
Publish Date
05/04/2016 Shareholding structure and total number of voting rights as at 29 March 2016 - considered as “reference date”
04/04/2016 Notification regarding the transactions performed during the buy-back program
30/03/2016 Update on all litigations between a litigant and Fondul Proprietatea SA
29/03/2016 Results of negotiations with Electrica S.A
28/03/2016 Notification regarding the transactions performed during the buy-back program
24/03/2016 Supporting materials related to the 26 April 2016 Shareholders’ Meetings
22/03/2016 Request for supplementing the agenda of the Fund’s Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on 26 April 2016
21/03/2016 Notification regarding the transactions performed during the buy-back program
15/03/2016 Registration with the Trade Registry of the cancellation of the shares acquired during the fifth buy-back programme
14/03/2016 February 2016 Factsheet
14/03/2016 Notification regarding the transactions performed during the buy-back program
14/03/2016 29 February 2016 NAV report
08/03/2016 Execution of Addendum no. 2 to the Credit Facility Agreement with Citibank Europe PLC Dublin - Romanian Branch
07/03/2016 Notification regarding the transactions performed during the buy-back program
07/03/2016 Shareholding structure and total number of voting rights as at 29 February 2016
02/03/2016 Convening notice for the Extraordinary and Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meetings of Fondul Proprietatea SA to be held on 26 April 2016
29/02/2016 Fondul Proprietatea promotes Romania abroad
29/02/2016 Notification regarding the transactions performed during the buy-back program
22/02/2016 Notification regarding the transactions performed during the buy-back program
15/02/2016 January 2016 Factsheet

Press Centre